Holidays, parties, and snowbirds — who said winter was insufferable? Unfortunately, not everyone can be so in winter’s wonders; with the cold comes a set of threats to which cancer patients are […]
Holidays, parties, and snowbirds — who said winter was insufferable? Unfortunately, not everyone can be so in winter’s wonders; with the cold comes a set of threats to which cancer patients are […]
The patient had run out of treatment options. Her cancer, a rare form of sarcoma, had metastasized and was no longer responding to therapies. As a next step, doctors at the Washington University School of […]
Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, can be treated effectively through surgery when it’s caught early. But once it has spread from the original site of the tumor to other organs […]
An investigational drug extended survival of adults with the blood cancer acute myeloid leukemia (AML), according to results from a large clinical trial. The drug, CC-486, is related to another therapy called azacitidine (Vidaza). […]
What was the rationale for testing finasteride as a way to prevent prostate cancer? Finasteride blocks the activity of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme converts the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, […]
New results from two clinical trials suggest that either of two types of radiation therapy after breast-conserving surgery for women with early-stage breast cancer can reduce the risk of the cancer returning. In the randomized clinical […]
What are some examples of the cancer disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native people? AI/AN populations have the lowest survival rates for nearly all types of cancer of any subpopulation in […]
For some women diagnosed with breast cancer, low muscle mass may be linked with a poor long-term prognosis, a new study has found. In one of the largest investigations of its kind conducted […]