EpiCept Corporation recently announced operating and financial results for the year 2010, and provided an update on its key business initiatives.
ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals Provides Update on ANX-514
ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on acquiring, developing and commercializing proprietary product candidates principally for the treatment of cancer, recently provided an update on its product candidate, ANX-514, its polysorbate 80-free formulation of docetaxel.
NYSSA Announces Presenter List for Upcoming Biotech Conference
The New York Society of Security Analysts, a leading forum for the investment community, recently announced the presenter list for its 14th Annual Biotech and Specialty Pharma Conference.
Adventrx Pharmaceuticals Seeks to Improve Current Cancer Drugs
The San Diego-based company seeks to improve upon existing cancer therapeutics with its reformulations of the chemotherapy drugs Navelbine and Taxotere.