Atossa Genetics believes it can prevent breast cancer by 2020 — and in the meantime, capture a unique market opportunity — with their novel cellular and molecular diagnostic risk assessment products for early detection. Yet in a burgeoning diagnostics space, and rapid advancement in cancer therapeutics, will this company find a niche?
Caprion’s Proteomic Biomarkers — Diverse Clientele Leads to In-House Pipeline
Montreal-based Caprion has established itself as a leader in the proteomic biomarker discovery field, using its proteomics discovery platform CellCarta® to develop pharmacodynamic biomarkers, disease markers and predictive biomarkers. OneMedRadio spoke with Caprion President and CEO Martin Leblanc about industry trends concerning increased risk factors, securing intellectual property and developing an in vitro diagnostics platform.
Smart Stocks Watch: Atossa Genetics — FDA-Approved Diagnostic Test for Breast Cancer
Atossa Genetics [Nasdaq: ATOS] is a healthcare company focused on the development and marketing of novel cellular and molecular diagnostic risk assessment products for breast cancer through the detection of precursors to breast cancer.
Your Biotech Calendar, August 28: PDUFA Dates, SEC Filings, Financings
At OneMedPlace, our goal is to be your eyes and ears to the biotech and life sciences sector: putting into perspective what we’ve seen so far, and providing you with snapshots of and what’s upcoming.
Agilent Technologies Acquires Cancer Diagnostics Company, Dako In Largest Acquisition To Date
OneMedForum New York 2012 will offer a diagnostics panel session on the afternoon of July 12th to discuss the rapid technological advances in diagnostics and personalized medicine.
This Week In Diagnostics
Peter Winter, consultant to the biotechnology industry brings us financings and business developments in the global diagnostics business in his column “This Week In Diagnostics“. Peter has over 30 years experience as a scientist, science journalist, and publisher.
This Week In Diagnostics
Peter Winter, consultant to the biotechnology industry brings us financings and business developments in the global diagnostics business in his column “This Week In Diagnostics“. Peter has over 30 years experience as a scientist, science journalist, and publisher.
This Week In Diagnostics
Peter Winter, consultant to the biotechnology industry brings us financings and business developments in the global diagnostics business in his column “This Week In Diagnostics“. Peter has over 30 years experience as a scientist, science journalist, and publisher.