OneMedPlace introduces a new series, “The Briefing Room”, capturing the most important developments in microcap life sciences indexes. This week, we focus on three interesting developments in oncology, and a special bonus!
ThermoGenesis Sees Explosive Growth Opportunities in Stem Cells
Mel Engle, CEO of ThermoGenesis [NASDAQ: KOOL] recently discussed with OneMedRadio, the company’s stem cell products and FDA approval that may have groundbreaking implications for the stem cell market.
Cytori Therepeutics Featured in Wired Magazine
Wired magazine recently published a feature on Cytori Therapeutics, a regenerative medicine company based in San Diego that is using stem and regenerative stem cells derived from fat (adipose) tissue to repair breasts disfigured by mastectomies and lumpectomies.
Cytori’s Cardiac Celution: Encouraging Interim Data
In the area of heart disease, Cytori Therapeutics (NASDAQ: CYTX) is sponsoring two European clinical trials that evaluate the use of adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells (ADRCs) to treat acute myocardial infarction and chronic myocardial ischemia.